Crochet is a skill that can be used to create a variety of projects, from clothing to decorations. The hexagonal flowerless crochet pattern is a versatile project that can be used to create quilts, tablecloths, cushion covers, and more. In this article, we are going to explain how to make a free crochet pattern of hexagonal flowers.
Necessary materials:
Crochet yarn (preferably a thicker yarn so the hexagon is more secure)
crochet needle
Step 1: Make the magic circle
Start by making the magic circle. To do this, take the end of the thread in your left hand and wrap it around your fingers. Then cross the strand over the base strand and pass the needle under the base strand. Pull the yarn through the loop and make a chain. This creates the magic circle.
Step 2: Make the starting chains
Chain 3 to start the first triple crochet.
Step 3: Make the triple crochet
Make 1 double crochet inside the magic circle. To make the triple crochet stitch, wrap the yarn twice around the hook and insert the hook into the magic circle. Pull the yarn through the magic circle and make 2 loops. Then pull the yarn through the first 2 loops on the hook. Repeat this process two more times, until you only have one loop on your hook.
Step 4: Make more chains
Make 2 more chains.
Step 5: Make another triple crochet
Make another double crochet inside the magic circle.
Step 6: Repeat steps 4 and 5
Repeat steps 4 and 5 four more times to create a total of 6 triple crochets. Make sure the points are all the same distance apart.
Step 7: Close the magic circle
Pull the end of the thread to close the magic circle.
Step 8: Make the spacing chains
Make 1 chain.
Step 9: Make the triple crochet
Make 1 triple crochet in the loop formed by the previous 2 chains.
Step 10: Repeat steps 8 and 9
Repeat steps 8 and 9 five more times to create a total of 6 handles.
Step 11: Close the hexagon
Make a chain and attach the end of the yarn to the starting point.
Congratulations, you’ve just created a crochet hexagon! To make more hexagons and create a free flower pattern, repeat the steps.